Crane Country Day School Established 1928

Crane School Blog: Focus on Learning

Featuring articles written by Crane Staffulty

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From Farm to Table and the Lessons Within
Gayle Sandell

Gardening has been a part of the Crane experience for decades. Whether planting a butterfly garden to attract Monarchs or researching which variety of apples would grow best on our campus, students have always been a part of “growing” at Crane.

This year the fifth grade planted and grew vegetables and herbs that provided the ingredients for their annual November harvest feast. Under the watchful eye and tender care of the students, the class was able to harvest beans, squash, onions, carrots and potatoes that became a part of their harvest soup which they also prepared. The excitement and enthusiasm through the process of weeding, watering, composting and finally harvesting was wonderful to see.

There are many lessons to be learned through the gardening process:

  1. The simple act of caring for a living thing helps develop an understanding of the importance of nature in our lives and helps promote empathy and understanding.
  2. Gardening teaches young people about the cycle of life as a seed sprouts, grows, withers, and dies. This is also true of the small creatures they encounter in the garden.
  3. Tending a garden can be meditative, and many students find that the quiet act of weeding can be soothing and help with self-regulation.
  4. Students also see the interdependency of nature as they observe how certain plants ward off insects that might be harmful to the crops. 

Tending the garden, preparing the food, and celebrating working together help nurture and grow a sense of gratitude and appreciation that we hope all Crane students experience during their time here on our beautiful campus.

Gayle Sandell
Fifth Grade Teacher

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From Farm to Table and the Lessons Within

Gardening has been a part of the Crane experience for decades. Whether planting a butterfly garden to attract Monarchs or researching which variety of apples would grow best on our campus, students have always been a part of “growing” at Crane.